Middle School
(GRADES 5th - 8th)
The Middle School program at Northside Christian Academy is about fully equipping our students to believe, defend and proclaim the Truth of Jesus Christ as they are preparing for the next step in their lives “So the generations to come may know Him.” (Ps. 78)
Peer Mentoring: Middle-schoolers are smoothly transitioned into the Upper School through a peer mentoring program, where underclassmen are placed in small relationship-building groups where mentoring is provided by upperclassmen.
Daily core subjects include language arts, math, history, science, and Bible – all of which are taught through engaging methods in a climate of mastery and high expectations. Special classes at Northside include art, chorus, drama, health and fitness, and technology. Advanced content classes are offered in math and in English for qualifying students. In addition to engaging classes, students benefit from weekly chapel, peer to peer mentors, and extracurricular activities.
Academic Teams: NCA offers students the opportunity to participate in the competitive math, quiz bowl, robotics, debate, and literary teams.
Athletics: Sports teams offered include track, basketball, cross-country, golf, soccer, football, baseball, softball, shooting sports, and volleyball.
Fine Arts: Drama, choir, voice, stringed-instruments, and piano are available both as part of the curriculum and as extracurricular activities.
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Technology is integrated across the curriculum through mobile wireless devices, computer lab, LCD projectors, and classroom interactive whiteboards. The library contains both print and non-print media for pleasure reading, non-fiction reading, and academic research. We also offer robotics classes and have two 3-D printers that students create and print their own designs with.
APPLICATION: Real-world experiences and authentic scenarios, such as hands-on science experiments undergird the core curriculum, promoting problem-solving and lending relevancy.
HOMEWORK: Students in grades 5–8 receive regular homework assignments during the week, and special projects (book reports, theme papers, etc.) are assigned with more advance notification. Homework assignments and grades are available on the internet through RenWeb. Homework is limited on Wednesday night in order for families to attend church.
LEARNER-CENTERED APPROACH: Students are actively engaged in the learning process through fully equipped science labs, math manipulatives, classroom debates, and technology integration. Questions are encouraged; collaboration is promoted, and critical thinking is fostered.