(GRADES 9th – 12th )
The high school program at Northside Christian Academy is about fully equipping our students to “Believe, Defend, and Proclaim the Truth” of Jesus Christ for the next step in their journey. Making Disciples, Preparing Students for the Great Commission, and Graduating Leaders is at the heart of the academic process. Launching students into Kingdom Work will reap eternal rewards and a fulfilled life.
Mission Focused: The last command that Jesus gave was to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20) NCA’s focus on “Mission Engagement” near and far, plus opportunities while at NCA to live a life that is poured out for Christ through service will help to broaden student perspectives and solidify their faith.
Leadership Development: Students have opportunities to participate in student government, peer mentoring, National Honor Society, service clubs and more.
Students are immersed in a challenging liberal arts curriculum that prepares them course-by-course to be difference-makers in their culture. Core subjects are Bible, English, math, history, science, government, economics, and foreign language. Academic offerings include college prep, honors and college-level courses. In addition to interactive weekly chapels, every subject is taught through the lens of Biblical Truth. Furthermore, a variety of student-led Bible studies supports the commitment to the study of our faith.
NCA offers a broad range of electives to enhance individual interests. NCA also offers several Dual Enrollment courses both in house and online through several University Dual Enrollment programs such as LeTourneau, Cedarville, Midlands-Tech and Columbia International University. NCA affords students the opportunity to participate in competitive math, quiz bowl, debate, chess, and literary teams in a competitive manner through the SCISA scheduled events.
Athletics: Competitive sports teams participate in the South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA) and include basketball, cross-country, golf, football, baseball, softball, shooting sports, volleyball, spirit squad, track & field and soccer.
Arts: Drama, choir, band, and worship arts are available both as part of the curriculum and as extracurricular activities. A variety of visual art courses are offered including ceramics, yearbook, and photography.
Multiple honors and dual enrollment classes are available for qualifying students.
High school students learn in a culture of open dialogue where relevant ideas are discussed, but absolutes are embraced. Every course, from science to foreign language, is specifically designed to develop critical thinking abilities, discovery and investigation in a collaborative setting and to integrate a faith that is willing to be counter-cultural.
Students in grades 9-12 receive regular homework assignments during the week, and special projects (book reports, theme papers, etc.) are assigned with more advance notification. Homework assignments and grades are available on the internet through RenWeb. Homework is limited on Wednesday night in order for families to attend church.
NCA teachers are experts in their field, and many of the high school teachers possess advanced degrees in their content area. Every teacher is dedicated to the Christian faith and committed to integrating Biblical Truth into all aspects of school life. Our teachers regularly provide student support through genuine relationships during and after class time.
NCA SAT scores exceed county, state, and national averages, and 100 percent of NCA graduates that apply are accepted into one or more colleges of choice.

Our Graduates Excel